
This page has links to documentation for various packages as well as tutorials in econometrics in R.

Used in the course


R Textbooks

General R info

Time series


Regression tables and other tables

  • The huxtable package is for tables

  • stargazer is the classic package for regression tables. The huxtable package is better

  • texreg is an alternative to stargazer, manual handling of robust se

  • summ package for regressions

  • The broom package is useful for extracting information from a regression

  • finalfit is another package

  • The skimr package has summary statistics in R - complete but complicated

  • The knitr package has the kable function for tables in rmarkdown

  • gt package is a powerful package for tables, created by Rstudio

  • sumtable package Table of summary statistics

  • corrr package to create a correlation table of variables in a data frame

Data management

Rstudio addins

  • addinlist package - Help manage Rstudio addins

  • Radiant

  • Install Radiant dev version

  • Robust and FE

  • Insert table rstudio addin to generate code creating a tribble and displaying it. For example from Excel

  • datapasta can also be used to paste clipboard table data as a tribble,.
